List of people from Redding, Connecticut

People associated with Redding, Connecticut listed in the area they are best known:


Actors, musicians and entertainers

Authors and other writers

Artists, art experts and critics, cartoonists

People in government and politics


See also


  1. ^ a b [1] Web page titled, "Redding, Connecticut's Famous People," part of "History of" Web site, accessed September 1, 2006
  2. ^ Spillane, Sean, "Meat Loaf: Not done yet and back in Connecticut for Mohegan Sun concert", article, "Go" entertainment supplement, The Advocate of Stamford, Connecticut (also in The News-Times of Danbury, Connecticut Post of Bridgeport and Greenwich Time newspapers), July 8, 2010
  3. ^ Gilbert, Alma, Maxfield Parrish: Master of Make-Believe, Philip Wilson Publishers (2005), ISBN 0-85667-601-2 p. 34
  4. ^ [2]TIME magazine, February 18, 1929